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Research Report: Procurement's Orchestration Readiness

Procurement orchestration is the key to automating tasks, executing efficiently, and improving the user experience. However, aligning all the moving parts involved in spend management can be a difficult task.

As procurement aims to unify their processes with other internal teams, improve spend and risk management, and position themselves as innovators, it’s clear that orchestration offers a path to success. Only by understanding how everything connects can procurement design a user experience that supports what the business needs.

In this white paper, Art of Procurement partnered with the team at ORO Labs to deliver an inside look into the approach different organizations take toward procurement orchestration and the associated business outcomes. 

Download your free copy of this research report to discover:

  • Where your peers stand on working toward procurement orchestration 
  • The key differences in values and prioritizations in relation to orchestration
  • How various technologies play a role in connecting procurement and non-procurement teams

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