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4 Ways Procurement Can Keep AI ‘Human-Centric’

As AI solutions continue to make their way into the procurement tech stack, leaders have to decide which tasks and processes are best suited for AI versus those where a human resource remains essential.

In this whitepaper, written in collaboration with the team at ProcureAbility, we partnered with Darshan Deshmukh, President at ProcureAbility, to lay out a four-part strategic framework procurement can use to determine the ideal division of labor between AI tools and human talent. 

Download your free copy now to learn:

  • How to develop a structured, repeatable process to create the optimal balance between AI and your team
  • What it means to develop ‘healthy resistance’ to AI, and why that’s so important for successful AI implementation
  • Real-world use cases where AI amplifies – not undercuts – the impact of your human team members

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